About Me


My aim is to take the most effective and relevant tools from the worlds high performers whether they be Athletes, CEOs, Entrepreneurs or even Monks, and apply them to challenges in my clients everyday lives.


I look to do exactly the same in my own life, where I still work in a high pressure corporate job for a large FinTech company.

I hope to save your years of painful trial and error by sharing what I have learnt applying these tools & practices whilst dealing with the stress of a £7-fugure sales target and justifying a £6-figure salary at a failing start-up, to a £0-figure salary after being made redundant.


I have weathered many difficult millennial challenges from relationship break-ups (and make-ups), to financial struggles, to health scares, to self-confidence issues to living the other side of the world to drinking far too much to…..you name it!

The goal is not perfection, but I hope I can support you through similar life challenges and help you emerge the other side stronger, more resilient and with a smile on your face.


We will look to uncover what you really are looking to change, and then ‘filter the noise' and strip away all of the distractions that so often get in our way. Then the real work begins, to delve deep into your chosen area and the find the most effective tools, making them a daily habit that moves you closer to your desired outcome far beyond our sessions together.

Ultimately, you will have all of the tools, habits and support network in place to move confidently into the future.

Filter The Noise

“Millennials are busier and more stressed than ever post Covid”

Questions? Let’s Chat

Have questions or just want to chat? Book a free consultation with me.